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Rosa Parera: una historia de romper barreras y volar alto

Bienvenido al Miracle Experience, donde los cielos son tuyos para explorar y lo imposible se vuelve posible. Hoy, nos gustaría presentarles a una de nuestras pilotos que ha volado hacia las alturas del éxito, convirtiéndose en la primera mujer piloto de un globo aerostático en Tanzania. Rosa Parera no es solo una piloto, sino una pionera y un modelo a seguir para las mujeres en la industria de la aviación, y una de las pocas mujeres piloto en Serengeti.

Trazando un nuevo curso

Rosa’s journey to the skies was not a straight path, it was full of twists and turns. It all began in her hometown of Barcelona, Spain where she had studied children’s education and had planned on becoming a teacher.

Rosa Parera The First female pilot in Serengeti in action

Luego, hace nueve años, una chispa de curiosidad la llevó a explorar el mundo de los globos aerostáticos, y fue amor a primera vista. Rosa descubrió su verdadera pasión y supo que esa era su verdadera vocación. Los cielos nunca han sido los mismos desde entonces.

The Adventure of a lifetime with Rosa Parera

Rosa Parera’s passion for flying took flight in her hometown of Barcelona, but her wanderlust was far from grounded. Soaring above the picturesque landscapes of her home country, she knew she had to explore the skies of the world. Her journey led her to discover the beauty of different cultures and the thrill of adventure, soaring the skies of Canada, Mexico, Switzerland, France, and Morocco. She has flown in some of the world’s most prestigious hot air balloon festivals, de Finlandia a Italia, de Túnez a Arabia Saudita.

Como alguien que vivía para la emoción de la aventura, su viaje estaba lejos de terminar. Su corazón anhelaba nuevos horizontes y su alma ansiaba presenciar la belleza del mundo desde un lugar único. Fue esta sed insaciable de aventuras lo que la llevó a Tanzania, donde se unió a la Equipo Miracle Experience con el objetivo de hacer realidad su sueño de toda la vida de volar sobre las vastas sabanas, repletas de vida silvestre y paisajes impresionantes.

The First female pilot Rosa Parera in Serengeti During Champagne Celebration

Rosa Parera defies the odds as she takes to the skies of Tanzania as the first female hot air balloon pilot in the country. Her presence at Miracle Experience is a revolutionary moment for the company and the aviation industry as a whole. Her journey symbolizes the breaking of barriers and the power of representation.

She stands as a shining example that women possess the capability and determination to excel in industries traditionally dominated by men. Rosa’s experience and expertise are valuable assets to our team, and we are honored to have her on board.

Rosa’s Message of Inspiration

Being a part of the Miracle Experience team and sharing my passion for hot air ballooning is a thrill,” says Rosa. “I have always been passionate about flying and traveling, but to do it in Tanzania, where the natural beauty and wildlife are truly breathtaking, is an honor. I hope my journey as the first female pilot in Tanzania will inspire other women to pursue their dreams and make their mark in the aviation industry.” 

First female pilot Rosa Parera in Serengeti with the Crew

En el Miracle Experience, we believe in the power of dreams and the importance of following them. Rosa Parera’s story is a testament to that, and we are honored to be a part of her journey. Join us on a hot air balloon ride and experience the magic of the skies with our First female pilot in Serengeti, Rosa Parera.

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